Results for 'W. W. Little'

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  1.  37
    Applied Logic.W. W. Little, W. H. Wilson & W. E. Moore - 1957 - Philosophical Review 66 (4):554-556.
  2.  16
    Using Neuroscientific and Clinical Context to Assess and Manage Changes in Core Personal Traits Caused by Deep Brain Stimulation.Colin W. Hoy, Simon J. Little & Winston Chiong - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):310-312.
    Recent debate has arisen in the neuroethics literature on the extent to which deep brain stimulation (DBS) may cause changes to core personal traits. This has prompted calls for more empirical data...
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    Logical-rules and the classification of integral dimensions: individual differences in the processing of arbitrary dimensions.Anthea G. Blunden, Tony Wang, David W. Griffiths & Daniel R. Little - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  4. Chapter 5 in A. Lieberman.J. W. Little - 1988 - In Ann Lieberman, Building a professional culture in schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
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  5. In A. Lieberman.J. W. Little - 1988 - In Ann Lieberman, Building a professional culture in schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
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    17: Three Views of the Agentic Self: A Developmental Synthesis.Todd D. Little, Patricia H. Hawley, Christopher C. Henrich & Katherine W. Marsland - 2002 - In Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan, Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press.
  7.  21
    Set size slope still does not distinguish parallel from serial search.Daniel R. Little, Ami Eidels, Joseph W. Houpt & Cheng-Ta Yang - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    The rhetoric of romance and the simulation of tradition in circus clown performance.W. Kenneth Little - 1991 - Semiotica 85 (3-4):227-256.
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    Applied Logic.Winston Woodard Little, W. Harold Wilson & William Edgar Moore - 1952 - Boston, MA, USA: Houghton.
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    Ethics, Political Beliefs & Governmental Compulsion.Joseph W. Little - 1992 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (1-2):101-117.
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  11. Adams, Guy and Balfour, Danny (1998) Unmasking Administrative Evil, Thousand Oaks: Sage. Allen, Beverly and Russo, Mary (1997) Revisioning Italy: National Identity and Global Culture, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Bowler, Peter (1992) The Norton History of the Environmental Sciences, New York: W. [REVIEW]W. Norton, Michael P. Brown, Paul Cloke, Jo Little, Verena Andermatt Conley, Irene Diamond, Peter Dickens, Roger Gottlieb, Olavi Grano & Anssi Paasi - 1999 - Ethics, Place and Environment 2 (1).
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    Effect of a composite instructional set on responses to complex sounds.Stanley J. Rule & John W. Little - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2):200.
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    Virgil, Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6 (review).W. W. De Grummond - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):287-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virgil, Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6W. W. De GrummondH. Rushton Fairclough, ed. and trans. Virgil, Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6, rev. G. P. Goold. Loeb Classical Library 63. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999. x + 598 pp.Volume 1 of the Fairclough translation of Virgil, containing the Eclogues, the Georgics, and books 1 through 6 of the Aeneid, first appeared in the Loeb Classical Library in 1916. This version has (...)
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    Beyond Association: How Employees Want to Participate in Their Firms' Corporate Social Performance.David J. Hagenbuch, Steven W. Little & Doyle J. Lucas - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (1):83-113.
    Although many studies have found a positive relationship between corporate social performance and employer attractiveness, few have examined how different forms of responsibility might mediate that attraction, particularly when those social practices afford different degrees of employee participation. The current study undertook this line of inquiry by examining prospective employees’ attraction to three common approaches to corporate social performance (CSP) that offer increasing levels of participation: donation, volunteerism, and operational integration. Unexpectedly, findings from an empirical investigation challenged the study's main (...)
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  15.  20
    The effects of dislocation distribution on the low temperature electrical transport properties of deformed metals.Troy W. Barbee, R. A. Huggins & W. A. Little - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (128):255-274.
  16.  33
    A Stress Reduction Program Adapted for the Work Environment: A Randomized Controlled Trial With a Follow-Up.Shirley S. Lacerda, Stephen W. Little & Elisa H. Kozasa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  17. Controlling the distribution of elephants.C. C. Grant, R. Bengis, D. Balfour, M. Peel, W. Davies-Mostert, H. Killian, R. Little, I. Smit, M. Garai, M. Henley, Brandon Anthony & Peter Hartley - 2008 - In R. J. Scholes & K. G. Mennell, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa. Wits University Press.
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    A little less Menander ( Misoumenos fr. 13 Körte)?W. Geoffrey Arnott - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (01):11-13.
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    A Little White Lie: Institutional Divisions of Labor and Life.W. M. Berg - 1978 - Télos 1978 (38):207-212.
  20.  30
    The Incomplete Tyranny of Dynamic Stimuli: Gaze Similarity Predicts Response Similarity in Screen‐Captured Instructional Videos.Daniel T. Levin, Jorge A. Salas, Anna M. Wright, Adrianne E. Seiffert, Kelly E. Carter & Joshua W. Little - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (6):e12984.
    Although eye tracking has been used extensively to assess cognitions for static stimuli, recent research suggests that the link between gaze and cognition may be more tenuous for dynamic stimuli such as videos. Part of the difficulty in convincingly linking gaze with cognition is that in dynamic stimuli, gaze position is strongly influenced by exogenous cues such as object motion. However, tests of the gaze‐cognition link in dynamic stimuli have been done on only a limited range of stimuli often characterized (...)
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  21.  40
    Functional Connectivity Alterations between Networks and Associations with Infant Immune Health within Networks in HIV Infected Children on Early Treatment: A Study at 7 Years.Jadrana T. F. Toich, Paul A. Taylor, Martha J. Holmes, Suril Gohel, Mark F. Cotton, Els Dobbels, Barbara Laughton, Francesca Little, Andre J. W. van der Kouwe, Bharat Biswal & Ernesta M. Meintjes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  22.  52
    Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Optogenetics, Ethical Issues Affecting DBS Research, Neuromodulatory Approaches for Depression, Adaptive Neurostimulation, and Emerging DBS Technologies.Vinata Vedam-Mai, Karl Deisseroth, James Giordano, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Winston Chiong, Nanthia Suthana, Jean-Philippe Langevin, Jay Gill, Wayne Goodman, Nicole R. Provenza, Casey H. Halpern, Rajat S. Shivacharan, Tricia N. Cunningham, Sameer A. Sheth, Nader Pouratian, Katherine W. Scangos, Helen S. Mayberg, Andreas Horn, Kara A. Johnson, Christopher R. Butson, Ro’ee Gilron, Coralie de Hemptinne, Robert Wilt, Maria Yaroshinsky, Simon Little, Philip Starr, Greg Worrell, Prasad Shirvalkar, Edward Chang, Jens Volkmann, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Andrea A. Kühn, Luming Li, Matthew Johnson, Kevin J. Otto, Robert Raike, Steve Goetz, Chengyuan Wu, Peter Silburn, Binith Cheeran, Yagna J. Pathak, Mahsa Malekmohammadi, Aysegul Gunduz, Joshua K. Wong, Stephanie Cernera, Aparna Wagle Shukla, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Wissam Deeb, Addie Patterson, Kelly D. Foote & Michael S. Okun - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:644593.
    We estimate that 208,000 deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices have been implanted to address neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders worldwide. DBS Think Tank presenters pooled data and determined that DBS expanded in its scope and has been applied to multiple brain disorders in an effort to modulate neural circuitry. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 providing a space where clinicians, engineers, researchers from industry and academia discuss current and emerging DBS technologies and logistical and ethical issues facing the field. (...)
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  23. Educational Innovation in China: Tracing the Impact of the 1985 Reforms.H. Xu, J. Zhang, K. M. Lewin & A. W. Little - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44:133-134.
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  24.  16
    Why did Paul make so little of the birth of Jesus?W. A. Sebothoma - 1994 - HTS Theological Studies 50 (3).
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    Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Cutting Edge Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Neuromodulation, Neuroethics, Pain, Interventional Psychiatry, Epilepsy, and Traumatic Brain Injury.Joshua K. Wong, Günther Deuschl, Robin Wolke, Hagai Bergman, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Sameer A. Sheth, Helen M. Bronte-Stewart, Kevin B. Wilkins, Matthew N. Petrucci, Emilia Lambert, Yasmine Kehnemouyi, Philip A. Starr, Simon Little, Juan Anso, Ro’ee Gilron, Lawrence Poree, Giridhar P. Kalamangalam, Gregory A. Worrell, Kai J. Miller, Nicholas D. Schiff, Christopher R. Butson, Jaimie M. Henderson, Jack W. Judy, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Kelly D. Foote, Peter A. Silburn, Luming Li, Genko Oyama, Hikaru Kamo, Satoko Sekimoto, Nobutaka Hattori, James J. Giordano, Diane DiEuliis, John R. Shook, Darin D. Doughtery, Alik S. Widge, Helen S. Mayberg, Jungho Cha, Kisueng Choi, Stephen Heisig, Mosadolu Obatusin, Enrico Opri, Scott B. Kaufman, Prasad Shirvalkar, Christopher J. Rozell, Sankaraleengam Alagapan, Robert S. Raike, Hemant Bokil, David Green & Michael S. Okun - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    DBS Think Tank IX was held on August 25–27, 2021 in Orlando FL with US based participants largely in person and overseas participants joining by video conferencing technology. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 and provides an open platform where clinicians, engineers and researchers can freely discuss current and emerging deep brain stimulation technologies as well as the logistical and ethical issues facing the field. The consensus among the DBS Think Tank IX speakers was that DBS expanded in (...)
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    Perinatal HIV Infection or Exposure Is Associated With Low N-Acetylaspartate and Glutamate in Basal Ganglia at Age 9 but Not 7 Years. [REVIEW]Frances C. Robertson, Martha J. Holmes, Mark F. Cotton, Els Dobbels, Francesca Little, Barbara Laughton, André J. W. van der Kouwe & Ernesta M. Meintjes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Dekompozycja przestrzeni szpitalnej w Malone umiera Samuela Becketta: autor w świetle krytyki genetycznej.James Little - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 60 (1):65-77.
    This article focuses on Samuel Beckett’s use of the asylum in his novel Malone Dies to explore the role of non-textual elements in genetic criticism, as well as the function of the author in genetic analysis. Taking as its starting point Iain Bailey’s challenge to genetic critics to account for the biographical author which underpins the discipline’s study of written traces in authorial manuscripts, the article contends that genetic criticism must be used in tandem with other approaches such as historicism (...)
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  28. Society of the Spectacle: The Little Picture.W. L. Griffen - 2001 - Journal of Thought 36 (1):35-42.
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    (1 other version)Moral theology and the cosmological argument. Comments and deliberations on a little-known Reflection of Kant.W. Stark - 2014 - Kantian Journal 3:72-91.
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  30. Afterword: A little heritage goes a long way.Andie Alexander & Jason W. M. Ellsworth - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander, Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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    ‘Mrs. Walker's Merry games for little people’: Locating Froebel in an alien environment.W. E. Marsden - 1990 - British Journal of Educational Studies 38 (1):15-32.
    . ‘Mrs. Walker 's Merry games for little people’: Locating Froebel in an alien environment. British Journal of Educational Studies: Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 15-32.
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    Studies in Little Known Subjects.C. E. Plumptre.W. F. Trotter - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (2):264-265.
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  33. Effects of changing practitioner empathy and patient expectations in healthcare consultations.Jeremy Howick, Thomas R. Fanshawe, Alexander Mebius, Carl J. Heneghan, Felicity Bishop, Paul Little, Patriek Mistiaen & Nia W. Roberts - 2015 - Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 11:Art. No.: CD011934..
    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: -/- The main aim of this review will be to assess the effects of changing practitioner empathy or patient expectations for all conditions. The main objective is to conduct a systematic review of randomised trials where the intervention involves manipulating either (a) practitioner empathy or (b) patient expectations, or (c) both.
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  34. HOOKER, B. and LITTLE, M.(eds.)-Moral Particularism.C. W. Gowans - 2002 - Philosophical Books 43 (4):310-311.
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    Weak interactions and the curious little arrow of time.Bryan W. Roberts - 2015 - Lse Philosophy Blog.
    In this talk from ETH Zurich’s Workshop on Time in Physics, Bryan Roberts introduces weak interactions and argues that the laws of nature are directed in time.
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    Pluralism as Dogmatism.W. J. T. Mitchell - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (3):494-502.
    It may seem a bit perverse to argue that pluralism is a kind of dogmatism, since pluralists invariably define themselves as antidogmatists. Indeed, the world would seem to be so well supplied with overt dogmatists—religious fanatics, militant revolutionaries, political and domestic tyrants—that it will probably seem unfair to suggest that the proponents of liberal, tolerant, civilized open-mindedness are guilty of a covert dogmatism. My only excuse for engaging in this exercise is that it may help to shake up some rather (...)
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  37. Roger Bacon essays.A. G. Little - 1914 - Oxford,: Clarendon press.
    On Roger Bacon's life and works, by A. G. Little.--Der einfluss des Robert Grosseteste auf die wissenschaftliche richtung des Roger Bacon, von Ludwig Baur.--La place de Roger Bacon parmi les philosophes du XIIIe siècle, par François Picavet.--Roger Bacon and the Latin vulgate, by Francis Aidan, cardinal Gasquet.--Roger Bacon and philology, by S. A. Hirsch.--The place of Roger Bacon in the history of mathematics, by David Eugene Smith.--Roger Bacon und seine verdienste um die optik, von Eilhard Wiedemann.--Roger Bacons lehre von (...)
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    Little History”: The Crisis in U.S. Academic History.Joseph W. Bendersky - 2022 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2022 (200):184-194.
    ExcerptA keynote speaker at the German Studies Association Conference in October 2013 was the renowned historian David Blackbourn, who—together with Geoff Eley—had originally made his reputation by challenging the well-entrenched Sonderweg interpretation of the course of modern German historical development. His keynote address, however, had the far less intellectually lofty, and certainly more humorous, title “Honey, I Shrunk German History.”1.
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    What Little I RememberOtto R. Frisch.Robert W. Seidel - 1980 - Isis 71 (3):517-518.
  40. Roger Bacon essays: contributed by various writers on the occasion of the commemoration of the seventh centenary of his birth.A. G. Little - 1972 - New York: Russell & Russell. Edited by Roger Bacon.
    On Roger Bacon's life and works, by A. G. Little. -- Der Einfluss des Robert Grosseteste auf die wissenschaftliche Richtung des Roger Bacon, von L. Baur. -- La place de Roger Bacon parmi les philosophes du xiie siècle, par F. Picavet. -- Roger Bacon and the Latin vulgate, by F. A. Gasquet. -- Roger Bacon and philology, by S. A. Hirsch. -- The place of Roger Bacon in the history of mathematics, by D. E. Smith. -- Roger Bacon und (...)
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    Shall the Little Child Be Led By Them?W. D. O’Leary - 1933 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (2):245-256.
  42.  42
    Are Corporations Institutionalizing Ethics?W. Michael Hoffman, Ann Lange, Jennifer Mills Moore, Karen Donovan, Paulette Mungillo, Aileene McDonagh, Paula Vanetti & Linda Ledoux - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (2):85-91.
    Very little has been done to find out what corporations have done to build ethical values into their organizations. In this report on a survey of 1984 Fortune 1000 industrial and service companies the Center for Business Ethics reveals some facts regarding codes of ethics, ethics committees, social audits, ethics training programs, boards of directors, and other areas where corporations might institutionalize ethics. Based on the survey, the Center for Business Ethics is convinced that corporations are beginning to take (...)
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  43. Idealism.W. Martin Davies & Stein Helgeby - 2010 - In Graham Robert Oppy, Nick Trakakis, Lynda Burns, Steven Gardner & Fiona Leigh, A companion to philosophy in Australia & New Zealand. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing.
    The honour of being the first to teach philosophy in Australia belongs to the Congregationalist minister Barzillai Quaife (1798–1873), in the 1850s, but teaching philosophy did not formally begin until the 1880s, with the establishment of universities (Grave 1984). -/- Two approaches have dominated Western philosophy in Australia: Idealism and materialism. Idealism was prevalent between the 1880s and the 1930s, but dissipated thereafter. It was particularly associated with the work of the first professional philosophers in Australia, such as Henry Laurie (...)
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    When autonomous agents model other agents: An appeal for altered judgment coupled with mouths, ears, and a little more tape.Jacob W. Crandall - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 280 (C):103219.
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    (1 other version)African Philosophers.W. Emmanuel Abraham, Olúfémi Táíwò, D. A. Masolo, F. Abiola Irele & Claude Sumner - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–38.
    Anton Wilhelm Rudolph Amo (1703–c. 1759 ce), philosopher and physician, was born at Axim, Ghana, and died at Fort Chama, Ghana. When he was four years old, the Dutch West Indies Company's preacher in Ghana sent him to Holland to be baptized and educated in the Bible for future service in Ghana. However, the Company headquarters, undesirous of any interference with its lucrative trade in slaves, turned little Amo over to the German Duke Anton Ulric‐Wolfenbuttel.
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    Tenure is justifiable.W. Bentley MacLeod - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):581-583.
    The target article by Ceci et al. provides some interesting results regarding how faculty might react to difficult social dilemmas, but it has little to say about tenure and its effect upon academic freedom. This comment discusses briefly what we know about tenure, and employment protection more generally, and why it may be in a university's best interest to hire tenured faculty. The comment concludes by pointing out that the results make a rather useful contribution regarding the difficulty of (...)
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  47. The Big Little School: The Sunday Child of American Protestantism.Robert W. Lynn & Elliott Wright - 1971
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    Donkeys and Dragons: Recollections of schoolteachers' nicknames.W. Ray Crozier - 2002 - Educational Studies 28 (2):133-142.
    Pupils' nicknames for teachers are typically clandestine and serve a reference function rather than acting as terms of address. Despite being a ubiquitous feature of school life, they have attracted little research. This questionnaire study explores characteristics of the use of nicknames as recalled by a sample of 103 university students. Most nicknames expressed contempt or dislike, or attempted to get back or get even, or to put one over on the teacher. The majority of names drew upon physical (...)
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  49. On randomness and thermodynamics.W. T. Grandy - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (6):853-866.
    The past decade has witnessed significant advances in our understanding of nonlinear systems, both theoretically and experimentally. In turn, these insights have led to applications over a broad range of subjects, as well as to new interpretations of complex behavior. Inevitably, it seems, there has been a concomitant rush to re-interpret various well-understood aspects of thermodynamic behavior in manybody systems by means of these mechanisms. It is perhaps useful, therefore, to examine these notions critically, and in doing so we are (...)
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    Reflection machines: increasing meaningful human control over Decision Support Systems.W. F. G. Haselager, H. K. Schraffenberger, R. J. M. van Eerdt & N. A. J. Cornelissen - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (2).
    Rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence are leading to an increasing human reliance on machine decision making. Even in collaborative efforts with Decision Support Systems (DSSs), where a human expert is expected to make the final decisions, it can be hard to keep the expert actively involved throughout the decision process. DSSs suggest their own solutions and thus invite passive decision making. To keep humans actively ‘on’ the decision-making loop and counter overreliance on machines, we propose a ‘reflection machine’ (RM). This (...)
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